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Dealing with Infidelity in Marriage

If someone betrays your trust in a relationship, you can sense it even without evidence. Your intuition starts warning you

If someone betrays your trust in a relationship, you can sense it even without evidence. Your intuition starts warning you—it’s instinctual.

We won’t delve into the signs of betrayal today. Let’s focus on how someone who betrays you handles the marriage and your concerns.

The first response is avoidance.

Betrayal is an escape from responsibilities, the monotony of marriage, and even from oneself. After betrayal, this avoidance mentality remains. It’s hard to expect someone who betrayed your trust to take responsibility for their actions.

They dread discussing it. Once mentioned, they get defensive, aiming to shut you down. They might give you an ultimatum: “Either divorce or move on.” This is all about evading accountability for their mistakes.

Communication is challenging for betrayed couples. It’s impossible because of the avoidance mentality.

Next is indifference.

When facing betrayal, make your decisions instead of leaving it to the other person. Most betrayers lack a clear stance on rebuilding the marriage post-infidelity. Even if they end the affair, their efforts to mend things are minimal.

If you ask them what they want, they deflect, showing little concern for the marriage’s fate. They adopt a passive, indifferent attitude.

Lastly, inconsistency.

If betrayal makes you unsure about your partner, expect more uncertainty ahead. You won’t understand their thoughts, fearing to speculate.

The betrayer’s inconsistency worsens. They contemplate divorce and have probably considered it before. Their wavering behavior becomes more pronounced, making you question their character.

Betrayal hurts, but forgiving or parting ways peacefully is crucial. The real horror lies in discovering the dark side of the person you spent years with. It shakes your trust in humanity and makes it hard to face the future.