“Birds of a feather flock together.”
In life, your surroundings really affect you. The people you’re around matter a lot. The great thinker Mencius moved around a lot as a kid, and that’s why there’s the famous story of “Mencius’s mother moving three times.”
Since your surroundings have a big impact on you, Mencius’s mom kept finding better places for him to live when he was young.
Finally, she found a great spot to learn, and that’s how Mencius became who he was. He loved to read and was a really smart guy.
So, the kind of people you’re around shapes who you become. The more you experience, the more you change.
If a woman dates a lot, she’s different than a woman who hasn’t dated much.
Some women haven’t dated before, so they have a pure vibe. But some women have dated a ton of guys, and they have a different vibe.
The more guys a woman dates, the more “flavors” she gets. These flavors stick around for a long time.
Everyone is pretty pure when they’re born. Like, a woman is really innocent before she starts dating. Maybe she’s shy and gets embarrassed if she says something flirty.
But when a woman dates a lot of guys, she doesn’t act that way anymore. She’s chill about everything.
I have a friend who went to work after elementary school. She lived with a guy while she worked. I remember she was really reserved before she met guys.
But she changed after she came back from work. She lived with her boyfriend for a whole year, so she didn’t care about much anymore.
Later, she broke up with that guy and found another one. They moved in together the next day.
Then she kept switching boyfriends and moving in with them over and over again. We didn’t stay friends because I felt like we were on different paths.
Sometimes, relationships can make a woman more casual. The more guys she dates, the more casual she becomes.
When a woman has that “casual” vibe, it’s really scary. It’s hard to find someone who will really cherish her at that point.
And that vibe is usually created by guys, not something she’s born with.
When a woman dates a lot of guys, she realizes that love isn’t always pure and beautiful. She learns that guys aren’t always reliable and trustworthy. She starts to see that love can hurt sometimes.
So, she becomes really depressed. When she starts a new relationship, she’s shaky and doesn’t know what to do.
If you see a woman who looks really serious when she talks about relationships, and she’s really depressed, you should know that she’s probably dated a lot of guys. That’s why she’s like that.
If you’re confident that you can help her get over her depression, then you can hold her hand and move forward together. But if you’re new to relationships, or you’re not confident about helping her, or you don’t really love her, then don’t get close to her. It will just cause trouble and hurt for both of you.
When I was a kid, I read a short story:
One day, a son was climbing a tree. His dad was standing under the tree and said, “Son, jump down, I’ll catch you!”
The son looked at his dad with his arms open and jumped down, trusting him completely. But the dad stepped back, and the son landed hard on the ground.
After that, the son never trusted his dad again. He didn’t trust anyone. The dad said, “You see, even your own dad can lie to you. You can’t trust anyone else.”
Women who haven’t been hurt in relationships usually trust their partners a lot. They believe everything guys say.
But when a woman dates a lot of guys, she stops believing what they say. It’s hard to trick her.
Relationships can make a woman mature and help her avoid bad guys later on, but sometimes they can make her paranoid. She always thinks every guy is going to hurt her like the last one.
I remember someone saying:
“The more guys a man dates, the more he appreciates his partner and knows how to love. The more girls a woman dates, the more strict and demanding she becomes. She wants to find the best guy, better than all the others. So, she becomes demanding.”
If a woman has dated a lot of guys, she might not be happy in her future relationships. We always compare new guys to the old ones. If you think the new guy isn’t as good as the old one, you might break up with him right away.
When you compare a new guy to the old ones, you usually focus on the good parts of the old guys and the bad parts of the new guy. You never see how much better the new guy is.
So, the more guys a woman dates, the more demanding she becomes. But the more guys a man dates, the more forgiving he becomes.
When a man and a woman are dating, he needs to know how many guys she’s dated. That way, he has a better chance of success.
“Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win a hundred battles.” Love is like a game sometimes. If you don’t know how many guys a woman has dated, and you’re too embarrassed to ask, you can try to figure it out by looking at her “flavors.” That’s responsible for both you and her.
It’s not scary if a woman has dated a lot of guys. What’s scary is when she’s dated so many guys that her “flavors” are really strong. At that point, you might not be able to help her, and she might end up hurting you.
It’s not scary if a woman has dated a lot of guys. What’s scary is when she’s lost her original self.