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The Feeling of Initiating the First Kiss as a Girl

Initiating the first kiss with a boy you like may make him feel scared, but not necessarily. If you know what you’re doing, it can be quite…

Initiating the first kiss with a boy you like may make him feel scared, but not necessarily. If you know what you’re doing, it can be quite fun!

Today, I’m going to share many tips on how to kiss a boy for the first time, including advice on techniques and how to prepare for the kiss. These things are important because they can help you win the boy’s favor!

Ensure Fresh Breath Fresh breath is crucial for kissing, as you don’t want the boy you like to be disgusted by it or use it as an excuse. So, try using mints and always brush your teeth before meeting him. Remember, bad breath isn’t the end of the world, but if you can avoid it, please do. Try not to eat spicy or garlicky foods before meeting him.

Pay Attention to Your Appearance If you’re dressed nicely and feeling comfortable, you’ll take the first step, which means you’ll be more confident, and it will make the boy you like take notice, as greater confidence means a greater chance of him kissing you back.

You don’t have to wear lipstick, and definitely not heavy lipstick, as it can create a barrier. But it depends on the situation; you can apply some lip gloss, at least to look attractive. Don’t wear a lot of accessories like hats or headbands, as they might hinder the boy from touching your hair. Boys prefer natural beauty, so after fixing your hair, try kissing the boy, so that he can focus on kissing you and not feel itchy from your hair scratching his face.

Find a Suitable Place Public places are usually not suitable for the first kiss, as it will draw attention or even ridicule from others. Try to find a place that’s open but still private, to share your first kiss.

Do Some Things to Eliminate the Boy’s Anxiety through Body Language This will not only let him know that you like him, but also give him some time to adjust. You can hold his hand or put your arm around his shoulder. Start moving your body to bring him closer to you. If you have to walk a long distance to kiss him, it will be awkward. Touch his hair or face to let him know you’re interested in him. Gently touch his nose with your index finger and smile at him. You can even try hugging him first, and when you hug him again, you can lean back to kiss him. Because from the moment of the hug, you’ve established a connection.

Make Sure Both Are Ready This means you’ve already shown through body language and emotions, “I don’t just like you, I like you on a deeper level.” Sometimes, it’s hard to salvage a friendship after a romantic relationship. If you’re unsure if you’re doing the right thing, wait until you’re completely sure. Look into his eyes, slowly look at his lips when he’s looking at you, and then look back. If he does the same to you, then he’s ready. If he looks a bit uncomfortable and looks elsewhere, it’s best to temporarily abandon this immature behavior.

During the Kiss Slowly move your lips toward his and close your eyes in the last second. You need to be able to see to aim for his lips, but you don’t want to keep your eyes open while kissing, so close your eyes before your lips lock. Keep your eyes closed throughout the kiss. After the kiss, you can open your eyes and then gently pull away. Tilt into the kissing position. This means that if his face is straight up or down, you might want to tilt your face a little to the left or right (whichever is more comfortable). This can help you avoid bumping noses while kissing.

Most people use their lower lip for kissing. Don’t pucker your lips like you’re kissing your grandma. Keep your lips relaxed and try to relax. Give him a long kiss; you don’t need any time to get his attention, so try to keep the first kiss under 20 seconds, breathe gently through your nose, and try not to breathe air onto his neck or lips. Don’t use French kissing for the first kiss; it’s an advanced form of kissing.

During the Kiss, try gently opening your lips when kissing. This just means slightly parting your lips, maybe kissing his lower lip with your lips. Don’t let it last too long (about 5 seconds), and be ready to pull away; this kind of teasing feeling is quite useful.

During the Kiss, put your hands on his back, lean toward him, and if he puts his hands on your back or waist, it shows that he’s protective and possessive of you, so you might become his future girlfriend! If he plays with your hair or gently touches your cheeks, it shows that he’s closely connected with his feelings, and he definitely likes you. Always keep your eyes closed, don’t sneak a peek! Your focus should be entirely on his lips.

After the Kiss When you’re done, open your eyes. Now is the time to look at the boy you just kissed. If he likes you, he’ll blush, his eyes will be heavy, and he’ll keep smiling. At this point, he may also feel nervous about the kiss, so you might want to reassure him that he did well. You can do this with a smile. If your arms are still around him, leave them there for a few seconds before moving them. If you suddenly move your hands away after the kiss, it might make him feel strange and think you’re casual.

Say Some Kind Words to Him Sometimes, the kiss itself is enough to convey the message. Sometimes, after the kiss, you might want to say something, like “I’ve been waiting for a long time” or “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.”

You’ve finally kissed the boy you’ve been longing to kiss for the past few months, now what? Here are a few options: wait for him to take the next step. If it’s your first kiss, maybe you think it’s his turn to start the next kiss. You should also be ready to kiss him anytime, anywhere. Maybe you don’t care who kisses whom, as long as there’s a kiss, just make sure he’s involved too. Kissing him often might lead to a relationship. If you feel bad about it, that’s okay, try to stay friendly with him, but don’t put yourself in a situation where he might kiss you again.

Kissing Etiquette When it comes to kissing, we should understand some etiquette, such as not kissing when you’re sick and might spread bacteria. If you have a cold, the snot from both your noses might accidentally land on your lips, which can be quite off-putting

Kissing is a very intimate act, and kissing someone can become very interesting.