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The Relationship of This Zodiac Sign Must Have a Beginning and an End.

Leo: How to Maintain a Comfortable Relationship with Them

Leo: How to Maintain a Comfortable Relationship with Them

Leo: How to Maintain a Comfortable Relationship with Them

Part 1

Though I often say Leos easily put faith in love and people, they’re equally predisposed to misunderstandings, which can lead to distancing without clear explanations.

Often, a Leo’s social demeanor and abilities are tethered directly to their level of confidence.

They trust others and, by extension, themselves. As long as their social circle’s feedback validates their pleasantness, they’ll continue fine-tuning their interpersonal tactics, deploying their charm to make others feel at ease.

Leos invest in social graces because they derive satisfaction from others’ praise and recognition. They can forego personal gain, ensuring that if someone trusts them, they won’t let them down; if someone relies on them, they won’t disappoint.

Plainly put, Leos revel in adoration, trust, and dependence. They enjoy the sensation of others being drawn to them.

I’ve observed an issue.

Some signs become increasingly introverted, their social circles shrink, and their affections contract because they value the journey of relationships more than the outcome.

They emphasize exclusivity, uniqueness, and commitment in relationships, focusing on their partners before elevating issues to a personal attribute.

For them, relationships are draining, eroding their ideal of perfect romance and companionship and accumulating doubts about human nature.

Leos remain dauntless in battle. Despite numerous hurts, they maintain aspirations and faith because they value not the process but the inception and conclusion of relationships.

Moreover, these beginnings and ends are often the personal markers of Leos, not the relationships themselves.

Part 2

Seasoned Leos might instantly grasp this, but those with less romantic experience might struggle. One might think, “Aren’t exclusivity, uniqueness, and bonds what we Leos are about? Don’t we cherish the relationship process the most?”

This is because you’ve not yet faced the finale of a relationship, so you’re still delighting in it.

Leos differ in that when an end looms, they don’t hate, blame, or collapse in desperation; instead, they become starkly rational and composed.

While still amidst hate, blame, or loss of control, they’ll never let the relationship conclude. They will confront the end only when they’ve decided to let go.

In such a state, Leos find peace, facing a person who’s both familiar and alien without blame—for them or the other. They see it as fate and accept it, however reluctant.

Leos, genuine in their departing wishes for another’s well-being, are deeply touched by such events.

Initially, such experiences disappoint Leos, recognizing the discrepancy between desired love and harsh reality. Loved ones who pledged lifelong companionship may still leave, sowing despondency in Leos.

But upon finding solace in others, stirring new feelings, and discovering joy in other relationships, those concepts of exclusivity lose significance. Their feelings, too, can shift.

As long as someone prompts a new romantic interest, regardless of a rocky journey, if they can face the conclusion, they’ll muster the courage for another new beginning.

Part 3

It might seem Leos engage in relationships for the experience itself, but that’s not the case. They go through the motions because they’ve begun; the process impacts the likelihood of a conclusion, but prelude predictions are non-existent.

In simpler terms:

If a Leo finds incompatibility, they won’t immediately confront and depart. They’ll deliberately speak and act in ways to strain the relationship. Only after sufficient turmoil and mutual exhaustion will they decide to address the reality and part ways.

This isn’t deception but a rationale, a necessary closure for the relationship.

To keep things comfortable with Leos, focus on beginnings and endings.

The beginning refers to how and when you met. For example, if you showed kindness during a Leo’s darkest hour, as long as you don’t betray the bond, they’ll repay you for a lifetime.

Similarly, if you met in a club, Leos might label you as a “party-goer” (even if they’re more into having fun), instinctually resisting an emotional launch until that impression is washed away through deeper bonding.

The ending is about the conclusion of each conflict.

Leos can be magnanimous yet also petty, dependent on being provided with a logical explanation.

Without explanation, even two years later, a Leo might resurrect an issue, deepening resentment during new conflicts.

Conversely, a reasonable explanation and conviction can immediately bury a major dispute.

Dubious faith will taint the best of gestures. In trust, perpetual minor spats won’t dent the relationship.

Real threats to Leos’ affection aren’t quarrels or cold wars; it’s doubt.

Commence and conclude with integrity, and everything else becomes non-destructive.

Even a physical altercation can benefit relationships if it’s followed by a truthful, resentment-free discussion, resolving to never revisit the argument.

Skepticism and dissatisfaction left unspoken are the most detrimental to Leo’s affections.

Clap or Response my story, I hope you and I can meet a comfortable person, deep affection for a long time, never leave.