

发表于:2024-11-26 作者:热门IT资讯网编辑
编辑最后更新 2024年11月26日,/* 评论列表 */ public function commentListW(){ $base = new Base(); $info = $ba
    /*      评论列表     */    public function commentListW(){        $base = new Base();        $info = $base->getUserByToken();        $shop_id = $info['shop_id'];        $page = $this->data['page']?:1;        $pagesize = $this->data['pagesize']?:C('ROLLPAGE');        $search = $this->data['search'];        $and = "";        if($search){            $and .= " and (c.c_name like '%{$search}%' or cu.customer_name like '%{$search}%')";        }        $sql0 = "select count(c.c_id) as itemcount from `comment` as c left join `customer` as cu on c.customer_id=cu.customer_id where c.shop_id='{$shop_id}' and c.com_status='0'{$and}";        $itemcount = M()->query($sql0)[0]['itemcount'];        $pagecount = ceil($itemcount/$pagesize);        $limit = ($page-1)*$pagesize;        $offset = " limit {$limit},{$pagesize}";        $sql1 = "select c.c_id,c.c_name,c.c_pic,c.c_type,cu.customer_name,cu.headimgurl,c.com_content,c.com_time,c.reply_time,c.thumb_num,c.pic_num,c.com_reply,c.is_reply,c.com_status,c.com_status from `comment` as c left join `customer` as cu on c.customer_id=cu.customer_id where c.shop_id='{$shop_id}' and c.com_status='0'{$and} order by c.com_time desc {$offset}";        $data = M()->query($sql1);        $ret = array();        $ret['data'] = $data;        $ret['page'] = array(                'pagecount'=>(int)$pagecount,                'itemcount'=>(int)$itemcount,            );        return $ret;    }    /*     点赞/取消点赞     */    public function doThumb(){            $art_id = $this->data['art_id'];            $customer_id = $this->data['customer_id'];            $brand_id = $this->data['brand_id'];            $time = time();            $data = $this->getThumb();            if($data){                $thumb_id = $data['thumb_id'];                $thumb_status = $data['thumb_status'];                if($thumb_status==0){                    $sql = "update `brand_article_thumb` set thumb_status='1' where thumb_id='{$thumb_id}'";                }else{                    $sql = "update `brand_article_thumb` set thumb_status='0' where thumb_id='{$thumb_id}'";                }            }else{                $sql = "insert into `brand_article_thumb` (art_id,customer_id,thumb_time,brand_id) values ('{$art_id}','{$customer_id}','{$time}','{$brand_id}')";            }            $ret = M()->execute($sql);            if($ret<0){                return false;            }else{                return true;            }    }