

发表于:2024-11-28 作者:热门IT资讯网编辑
编辑最后更新 2024年11月28日,乌龟吃鱼游戏游戏规则:1). 假设游戏场景为范围(x,y)为0<=x<=10,0<=y<=102). 游戏生成1只乌龟和10条鱼, 它们的移动方向均随机3). 乌龟的最大移动能力为2(它可以随机选择1

1). 假设游戏场景为范围(x,y)为0<=x<=10,0<=y<=10
2). 游戏生成1只乌龟和10条鱼, 它们的移动方向均随机
3). 乌龟的最大移动能力为2(它可以随机选择1还是2移动),
4). 乌龟初始化体力为100(上限), 乌龟每移动一次,体力消耗1
当乌龟和鱼坐标重叠,乌龟吃掉鱼,乌龟体力增加20, 鱼暂不计算体力
5). 当乌龟体力值为0(挂掉)或者鱼儿的数量为0游戏结束


import randomclass Turtle(object):    """    乌龟类        属性: (x,y), power        方法: move(), eat()    """    def __init__(self):        self.x = random.randint(0, 10)        self.y = random.randint(0, 10)        self.power = 100    def move(self):        """乌龟移动的方法"""        #乌龟的最大移动能力是2当移动到场景边缘,        move_skills = [-2, -1, 1, 2]        #计算鱼最新的x轴坐标;()        new_x = self.x + random.choice(move_skills)        new_y = self.y + random.choice(move_skills)        #当移动到场景边缘如何处理?        #(10, 0)   ----   (11, 1)    ----- (1, 1)        #(10, 0)     ---   (9, -1)    -----(9, 9)        self.x = new_x % 10        self.y = new_y % 10    def eat(self):        """乌龟吃鱼"""        self.power += 20        print("乌龟吃鱼, 能量+20!")class Fish(object):    """    鱼类        属性: (x,y)        方法: move()    """    def __init__(self):        self.x = random.randint(0, 10)        self.y = random.randint(0, 10)    def move(self):        """           鱼儿的最大移动能力是1当移动到场景边缘,        """        #鱼儿的最大移动能力是1当移动到场景边缘,        move_skills = [-1, 1]        #计算鱼最新的x轴坐标;()        new_x = self.x + random.choice(move_skills)        new_y = self.y + random.choice(move_skills)        #当移动到场景边缘如何处理?        self.x = new_x % 10        self.y = new_y % 10if __name__ == '__main__':    # 游戏生成1只乌龟和10条鱼, 它们的移动方向均随机.    tur = Turtle()    fishes = [Fish() for item in range(10)]"""


import randomclass BaseAnimal(object):    def __init__(self):        self.x = random.randint(0, 10)        self.y = random.randint(0, 10)    def move(self, move_skills=(-1, 1)):        new_x = self.x + random.choice(move_skills)        new_y = self.y + random.choice(move_skills)        #当移动到场景边缘如何处理?        #(10, 0)   ----   (11, 1)    ----- (1, 1)        #(10, 0)     ---   (9, -1)    -----(9, 9)        self.x = new_x % 10        self.y = new_y % 10class Turtle(BaseAnimal):    """    乌龟类        属性: (x,y), power        方法: move(), eat()    """    def __init__(self):        super(Turtle, self).__init__()        self.power = 100    def eat(self):        """乌龟吃鱼"""        self.power += 20        print("乌龟吃鱼, 能量+20!")class Fish(BaseAnimal):    passif __name__ == '__main__':    # 游戏生成1只乌龟和10条鱼, 它们的移动方向均随机.    tur = Turtle()    fishes = [Fish() for item in range(10)]"""


import pygame#1). 初始化pygamepygame.init()#2). 显示游戏界面pygame.display.set_mode((800, 800))while True:    for event in pygame.event.get():        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:            print("游戏结束......")            exit(0)        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:            if event.key == pygame.K_UP:                print("UP")            elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:                print('DOWN')"""

04_game.py #同理思聪吃热狗游戏

import randomimport pygameclass SiCong(object):    """    思聪类        属性: (x,y), power        方法: move(), eat()    """    def __init__(self):        self.x = random.randint(50, width - 50)        self.y = random.randint(50, height - 50)        self.power = 100    def move(self, new_x, new_y):        """思聪移动的方法"""        self.x = new_x % width        self.y = new_y % height    def eat(self):        """思聪吃热狗"""        self.power += 20        print("思聪吃热狗, 能量+20!")class HotDog(object):    """    热狗类        属性: (x,y)        方法: move()    """    def __init__(self):        self.x = random.randint(50, width - 50)        self.y = random.randint(50, height - 50)    def move(self):        """           鱼儿的最大移动能力是1当移动到场景边缘,        """        #鱼儿的最大移动能力是1当移动到场景边缘,        move_skills = [-10]        #计算鱼最新的x轴坐标;()        new_x = self.x + random.choice(move_skills)        #当移动到场景边缘如何处理?        self.x = new_x % widthdef main():    pygame.init()    #显示游戏界面    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))    #设置界面标题    pygame.display.set_caption("吃热狗游戏")    #加载游戏中需要的图片    bg = pygame.image.load('./img/bigger_bg1.jpg').convert()    hotdogImg = pygame.image.load('./img/hot-dog.png').convert_alpha()    sicongImg = pygame.image.load('./img/sicong.png').convert_alpha()    hd_width, hd_height = hotdogImg.get_width(), hotdogImg.get_height()    sc_width, sc_height = sicongImg.get_width(), sicongImg.get_height()    #加载游戏音乐(背景音乐和吃掉热狗的音乐)    pygame.mixer.music.load('./img/game_music.mp3')    pygame.mixer.music.play(loops=0, start=0.0)  # 播放设置, 不循环且从0.0s开始播放    #设置分数显示参数信息(显示位置、字体颜色、字体大小)    scoreCount = 0    font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 20)  # 系统设置字体的类型和大小    #颜色表示法: RGB  (255, 0, 0)-红色  (255, 255, 255)-白色  (0, 0, 0)-黑色    score = font.render("Score: %s" % (scoreCount), True, (0, 0, 0))    #创建一个Clock对象,跟踪游戏运行时间    fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()    #创建一个思聪和10个热狗    sicong = SiCong()    hotdogs = [HotDog() for item in range(10)]    while True:        for event in pygame.event.get():            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                print("游戏结束......")                exit(0)            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:                if event.key == pygame.K_UP:                    # 移动人物向上多少个像素                    sicong.move(sicong.x, sicong.y - 10)                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:                    sicong.move(sicong.x, sicong.y + 10)                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:                    # 移动人物向上多少个像素                    sicong.move(sicong.x - 10, sicong.y)                elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:                    sicong.move(sicong.x + 10, sicong.y)        #绘制背景和分数        screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))        screen.blit(score, (200, 20))        #绘制热狗,并实现热狗的移动        for hd in hotdogs:            screen.blit(hotdogImg, (hd.x, hd.y))            hd.move()        #绘制sicong        screen.blit(sicongImg, (sicong.x, sicong.y))        #判断游戏是否结束: 当人物体力值为0(挂掉)或者热狗的数量为0游戏结束        if sicong.power == 0:            print("Game Over: Sicong Poer is 0")            exit(1)        if len(hotdogs) == 0:            print("Game Over: hot-dog count is 0")            exit(2)        #判断人物是否吃到热狗:人物和热狗的坐标值相同, 则认为吃掉        for hd in hotdogs:            if 0 < sicong.x - hd.x < 50 and 0 < sicong.y - hd.y < 50:                # 增加人物的能量值                sicong.eat()                #移除被吃掉的热狗                hotdogs.remove(hd)                #增加得分                scoreCount += 10                #重新设置得分信息                score = font.render("Score: %s" % (scoreCount), True, (0, 0, 0))        #更新内容到游戏窗口        pygame.display.update()        fpsClock.tick(10)  # 每秒更新10帧if __name__ == '__main__':    width =1000    height = 666    main()


import randomimport timeimport pygameimport sysfrom pygame.locals import *  # 导入一些常用的函数width = 474height = 233pygame.init()screen = pygame.display.set_mode([width, height])pygame.display.set_caption('乌龟吃鱼')  # 定义窗口的标题为'乌龟吃鱼'background = pygame.image.load("./img/bg.jpg").convert()fishImg = pygame.image.load("./img/hot-dog.png").convert_alpha()wuguiImg = pygame.image.load("./img/sicong.png").convert_alpha()#乌龟吃掉小鱼的音乐  mp3格式的不行,wav格式的#eatsound = pygame.mixer.Sound("achievement.wav")#背景音乐pygame.mixer.music.load("./img/game_music.mp3")pygame.mixer.music.play(loops=0, start=0.0)#成绩文字显示count = 0font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)score = font.render("score %d" % count, True, (255, 255, 255))#显示游戏状态status = font.render("Gaming", True, (255, 255, 255))w_width = wuguiImg.get_width() - 5  # 得到乌龟图片的宽度,后面留着吃鱼的时候用w_height = wuguiImg.get_height() - 5  # 得到乌龟图片的高度y_width = fishImg.get_width() - 5  # 得到鱼图片的宽度y_height = fishImg.get_height() - 5  # 得到鱼图片的高度fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()  # 创建一个新的Clock对象,可以用来跟踪总共的时间#乌龟类class Turtle:    def __init__(self):        self.power = 100  # 体力        #乌龟坐标        self.x = random.randint(0, width - w_width)        self.y = random.randint(0, height - w_height)    #乌龟移动的方法:移动方向均随机 第四条    def move(self, new_x, new_y):        self.x = new_x % width        self.y = new_y % height        self.power -= 1  # 乌龟每移动一次,体力消耗1    def eat(self):        self.power += 20  # 乌龟吃掉鱼,乌龟体力增加20        if self.power > 100:            self.power = 100  # 乌龟体力100(上限)#鱼类class Fish:    def __init__(self):        # 鱼坐标        self.x = random.randint(0, width - y_width)        self.y = random.randint(0, height - y_height)    def move(self):        new_x = self.x + random.choice([-10])        self.x = new_x % widthtur = Turtle()  # 生成1只乌龟fish = []  # 生成10条鱼for item in range(10):    newfish = Fish()    fish.append(newfish)  # 把生成的鱼放到鱼缸里#pygame有一个事件循环,不断检查用户在做什么。事件循环中,如何让循环中断下来(pygame形成的窗口中右边的插号在未定义前是不起作用的)while True:    for event in pygame.event.get():        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:            sys.exit()        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:            # 通过上下左右方向键控制乌龟的动向            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:                tur.move(tur.x - 10, tur.y)            if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:                tur.move(tur.x + 10, tur.y)            if event.key == pygame.K_UP:                tur.move(tur.x, tur.y - 10)            if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:                tur.move(tur.x, tur.y + 10)    screen.blit(background, (0, 0))  # 绘制背景图片    screen.blit(score, (400, 20))  # 绘制分数    screen.blit(status, (0, 20))  # 绘制分数    #绘制鱼    for item in fish:        screen.blit(fishImg, (item.x, item.y))        #pygame.time.delay(100)        item.move()  # 鱼移动    screen.blit(wuguiImg, (tur.x, tur.y))  # 绘制乌龟    #判断游戏是否结束:当乌龟体力值为0(挂掉)或者鱼儿的数量为0游戏结束    if tur.power < 0:        print("Game Over: Turtle power is 0")        #显示游戏状态        status = font.render("Game Over: Turtle power is 0", True, (255, 255, 255))        pygame.display.update()  # 更新到游戏窗口        time.sleep(1)        sys.exit(0)    elif len(fish) == 0:        status = font.render("Game Over: Fish is empty", True, (255, 255, 255))        pygame.display.update()  # 更新到游戏窗口        sys.exit(0)    for item in fish:        # print("鱼", item.x, item.y, y_width, y_height)        #print("乌龟", tur.x, tur.y, w_width, w_height)        #判断鱼和乌龟是否碰撞?        if ((tur.x < item.x + y_width) and (tur.x + w_width > item.x)                and (tur.y < item.y + y_height) and (w_height + tur.y > item.y)):            fish.remove(item)  # 鱼死掉            #吃鱼音乐            #eatsound.play()            count = count + 1  # 累加            score = font.render("score %d" % count, True, (255, 255, 255))            #print("死了一只鱼")            #print("乌龟最新体力值为 %d" % tur.power)    pygame.display.update()  # 更新到游戏窗口    fpsClock.tick(10)  # 通过每帧调用一次fpsClock.tick(10),这个程序就永远不会以超过每秒10帧的速度运行