

发表于:2024-11-22 作者:热门IT资讯网编辑
编辑最后更新 2024年11月22日,#!/bin/bash # The next lines are for chkconfig on RedHat systems.# chkconfig: 35 98 02# description:
#!/bin/bash # The next lines are for chkconfig on RedHat systems.# chkconfig: 35 98 02# description: Starts and stops xxx Server #autor:[email protected]#date:2017-03-06  # The next lines are for chkconfig on SuSE systems.# /etc/init.d/xxx#### BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: xxx# Required-Start: $network $syslog# Required-Stop:# Default-Start: 2 3 5# Default-Stop: 0 6# Short-Description: Starts and stops xxx Server # Description: Starts and stops xxx Server ### END INIT INFOSPARK_SBIN="/usr/local/spark/sbin"  JAVA_ETC="/etc/alternatives"case $1 in    start)             $SPARK_SBIN/start-all.sh           ;;   stop)             $SPARK_SBIN/stop-all.sh            ;;   restart|reload|force-reload)            $SPARK_SBIN/stop-all.sh              sleep 3           $SPARK_SBIN/start-all.sh            ;;   status) # 查看状态需要做的步骤             $JAVA_ETC/jps             ;;   *)            echo "$0 {start|stop|restart|status}"           exit 4           ;;esac